Boobook Owl
Scientific name: Ninox boobook
The Australian Bookbook is the smallest and most common owl in Australia. The Boobook owl is also known as the 'mopoke' owl. Both names are due to it'd distinctive "boo-book" or "mo-poke" call. The Boobook was described by John Latham in 1801 and was generally considered to be the same species as the morepork of New Zealand until 1999.
When threatened, they will sit bolt upright with their feathers pressed tightly against their body and turn side on to the source of threat, hereby appearing long and slender.

At Noah's Ark...
Our Boobook Owl is called Bobbins.
We live...
In the Wings Of Wonder enclosure.
Size Fact
Boobook Owls are approx. 35cm tall.
Food Fact
Generally feeds on small mammals, especially small mice and small birds. They will also take invertebrates including beetles and moths.
Fun Fact
When Boobook Owls chirp, they sound like crickets.
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