Brazilian Tapir
Scientific name: Tapirus terrestris
Tapirs are the biggest land mammal in South America. Sizes vary between types; however, most tapirs grow to about 2m long and 1m high. One of the most distinguishable characteristics of the Brazilian tapir is its proboscis (snout), which is very flexible and capable of grasping food.
Most tapirs give birth to a single calf, although twins have been observed. Healthy, young tapirs can reproduce 1 calf every 2 years and the calves nurse as long as the mother is able to produce milk. The young are coloured quite differently from the adults; they are dark brown and have white spots and stripes.

At Noah's Ark...
We have 2 Brazilian Tapir... Toby and Tara
We live...
Opposite the Eagles and Vultures, next to The Canopy.
Size Fact
Full grown tapirs can weigh up to 220kg!
Food Fact
Tapirs are herbivores and eat leaves, fruit and seeds.
Fun Fact
Tapirs are excellent underwater swimmers; they use their snout as a snorkel!
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