Cockatiel Parakeet

Cockatiel Parakeet

Scientific name: Nymphicus hollandicus


The cockatiel is the smallest and one of the most widespread species of cockatoo. Like other cockatoos, the cockatiel has an erectile crest that can be raised when the bird is alarmed or excited.

Although many colour varieties have been bred in captivity, the wild cockatiel has a distinctive appearance: It has largely grey plumage, a yellow face, orange cheek patches and a long, yellow and grey crest. It also has prominent white patches on its grey wings.

The female and juvenile cockatiels are duller than the adult male, having less yellow on the face.

Least Concern (Inc. Bar)
  1. We live...

    In the Parrot Aviary, on the hill behind the Porcupine enclosure.

  1. Size Fact

    The average length of a cockatiel is 29 – 33cms.

  2. Food Fact

    The diet of the cockatiel consists primarily of seeds.

  3. Fun Fact

    During rain, the cockatiel will often sit with its tail and wings outstretched to bathe.

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