Scientific name: Giraffa camelopardalis
Giraffes, as the tallest land mammal on the planet, are towering creatures. They grow up to 5.8m tall (that’s 3 times as tall as an adult man!)
Their long necks and tongues allow them to stretch up into the trees and reach as many leaves as possible. Their long, strong legs can carry them across the great African plains at speeds of up to 35 miles an hour!
Baby giraffes enter the world with a bump as their mothers usually give birth standing up! They can fall 1.5m to the ground- but usually feet first!

At Noah's Ark...
We have 3 Giraffes... Kito, Eller and Ronan.
We live...
Opposite the play area, next to the Spectacled Bear enclosure.
Size Fact
Giraffes can grow up to 5.8 meters tall!
Food Fact
Giraffes are herbivores and mainly eat leaves which they pick directly from the branches of trees.
Fun Fact
A giraffes blood vessels are thickly walled and muscled, and the skin on their legs is so tight it acts like giant compression socks. These unique adaptations have been studied by scientists at NASA to get inspiration for human space suits.
Adopt Me
You can support our conservation efforts and help with the costs of keeping rare and wonderful zoo animals by adopting a Giraffe. Adopt a Giraffe for yourself or as a gift.
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