

Scientific name: Oryctolagus cuniculus


Today, there are more than 50 different breeds of rabbit and this number continues to increase as the selective breeding of pet rabbits becomes more popular.

They have fluffy short tails, whiskers and distinctive long ears that can grow up to 10cms in length. Stretching their ears out allows rabbits to hear approaching predators better. Their ears also enable them to stay cool in hot climates as extra body heat is released through blood vessels in the ear.

Wild rabbits create their own homes by tunneling into the ground. These tunnel systems are called warrens and include rooms for nesting and sleeping. They also have multiple entrances for quick escape.

Rabbits are well known for their quick and successful breeding with the average gestation period being just over a month and the female then giving birth to an average of six babies.

The average rabbit lives to about 8 years old when kept as a pet.

  1. We live...

    In the Animal Village, next to the Ark Arena. You can meet our rabbits during our daily small animal meet and greet sessions in Animal Village.

  1. Size Fact

    The weight of a domesticated rabbit ranges from 1kg up to 10kg in giant breeds.

  2. Food Fact

    The rabbit is prey to many predators including cats, dogs and humans.

  3. Fun Fact

    Many people believe carrying a rabbit’s foot will bring good luck!

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You can support our conservation efforts and help with the costs of keeping rare and wonderful zoo animals by adopting a Rabbit. Adopt a Rbbit for yourself or as a gift.

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