Red deer
Scientific name: Cervus elaphus
The Red deer is the largest native deer in the UK
Male Red deer are known as stags and females as does, their young are called fawns. A doe usually gives birth to one fawn each year but occasionally can have twins.
The coat is reddish brown in summer but becomes brown or grey in winter. Only stags have antlers which grow in the spring and shed in the winter. The males are larger in size than the females and have impressive branched antlers that can reach up to 1 meter in width. During the spring, a soft coating protects the new antler growth, this is called velvet.

We live...
On the hill, left of the entrance, next to the Bison paddock.
Size Fact
Antlers are made of bone and grow 2.5 centimeters a day.
Food Fact
Their diet consists of shrubs, tree browse, grasses, sedges and rushes, as well as heather.
Fun Fact
Males have roaring contests during the mating season.
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