Redruffedlemursfeb2025 (6 Of 20)

Red Ruffed Lemur

Scientific name: Varecia rubra


Red ruffed lemurs are known for their vibrant rusty-red fur, contrasted by black markings on their arms, legs, and tails, along with a distinctive white patch on the back of their heads. Their striking appearance makes them very eye-catching.

Native to the rainforests of Madagascar, red ruffed lemurs are classified as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Habitat destruction, hunting, and trapping have placed these animals at serious risk. Their numbers continue to decline due to deforestation and human activity, making conservation efforts more important than ever.

Critically Endangered (Inc. Bar)
  1. At Noah's Ark...

    We have 2 Red Ruffed Lemurs, Benji and Pika.

  2. We live...

    With Lorna the black and white ruffed lemur, in the habitat next to the Ark Arena.

  1. Size Fact

    Red Ruffed Lemurs can grow up to 53cm in length

  2. Food Fact

    Red Ruffed Lemurs love fruit, which makes 75%-95% of their diet.

  3. Fun Fact

    They have a "tooth comb" for grooming and a long claw for brushing their fur.

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