Dedicated Keeper Team

Tom Lindley - Head Keeper

"I've been working with the elephants at Noah's Ark Zoo Farm for over a decade now. It's a very special job for me and something I have wanted to do for as long as I can remember.
I love spending my days around these magnificent creatures and it truly feels like a privilege. Some of my favourite aspects of the job would have to be leading the elephant programme forwards in a modern and progressive fashion, carrying out husbandry routines with the elephants on a daily basis, and of course training staff in the very highest standards and practices of elephant keeping."

Connor Dennis

"I've been an elephant keeper here at Noah's Ark Zoo Farm for over 3 years. I spend my days building individual relationships with our group of elephants which is a true honour and privilege. I know them individually; their quirks, personalities, their likes and dislikes. We spend more time with the elephants than we do our family and friends, they almost become an extension to your family. They are so intelligent and inquisitive, so making their 20-acre environment enriching and mentally stimulating is very important.

We are providing bull elephants the same learning and social opportunities that they’d have in the wild; one of my favourite parts of working with elephants is witnessing their individuality and their social interactions with each other; especially watching how younger males will learn and mature underneath the more experienced bulls and seeing those changes in their personalities and behaviours. It’s a very rewarding job and I love every aspect of it."

Connor's Camera Roll

Amber Allshorn

"I have been working at Noah's Ark Zoo Farm for 2.5 years and love coming to work every single day. Working in a bull facility is a unique experience. Providing these males with the correct social structure so they can build on their own social and life skills to aid them in the future is crucial for their development and the wider programme. It is a privilege to observe these boys as individuals, getting to know their personalities, but also watching them bond and learn from one another.

My favourite parts of the job include working with the elephants on a daily basis to ensure their health and welfare is at the highest standard. I also enjoy our keeper talks, educating visitors to the zoo on our elephants and letting them have a little glimpse into our world."


Tom Rutherford

"There are many different aspects of being an elephant keeper that I enjoy one of them being no day is ever the same and working with a dedicated team all striving towards the same goal of providing the highest standard of welfare. My favourite part of the job is carrying out all the Protected Contact training with the elephants and ensuring they are in the best possible condition health wise."
Maze Drone 1

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