Baby Animal Update
27th Sep 2018
It's been a busy couple of months for the zoo and our African animals have been showing off their beautiful babies. We've got a quick round up of how the little ones are getting on.

Ostrich Chicks
Oscar and Octavia are the proud parents of 15 Ostrich chicks. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world and so these babies have some growing up to do. Their enclosure has been extended to make room for this growing family and the chicks are enjoying the extra space. Every morning when the keepers open the outdoor enclosure the chicks will perform a little dance in the sunshine.

Zebra Foal
Polly's little girl was named Zenah by the public, a name which means 'Princess'. Zenah still spends much of her time close to mum but is getting to know the rest of her herd. Foals are able to stand up within 15 mintutes of being born and so Zenah is already confident on her feet. Although Zenah will receive milk from mum for the first 7 to 11 months of her life foals will also start grazing on grass from about 1 week old.
Lion Cubs
These 2 little cubs are starting to feel much more adventurous and are venturing out and around their enclosure for short periods of time, under the watchful eye of mum. They are due for their 10 week vet check up soon when hopefully we will find out the sexes of the 2 cubs.

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