Beary Special: Celebrating World Bear Day

23rd Mar 2025

Here at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, we're home to a family of four Spectacled Bears, otherwise known as Andean Bears. The bears at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm are ambassadors for their wild counterparts in South America, and they inspire and educate visitors about the importance of their species and habitat as well as their need for conservation.

To mark World Bear Day, we caught up with one of our Bear keepers to find out more about these brilliant bears! 

Hi Emily! Can you tell us about yourself and your job here at the Zoo? 
Emily: Hi I’m Emily, and I’ve been at Noah’s Ark for nearly 4 and half years. I work on the West Section which means I get to work with our wonderful bears!
Can you take us through the bears here and their personalities? 
Emily: We are home to 4 Andean bears all with very different personalities...
Our mum of the group, Madidi, who is little sassy at times and can be a bit of a diva! Our dad of the group, Rasu, who is either chilled and laid back or a bit of a hooligan at times. Rasu has been known to throw tantrums if we don’t feed him quickly enough! The other two bears in the group are their offspring, who are both now 3 years old and nearly fully grown!
We have Tuichi who’s our female cub, she's always on the go at 100mph 99% of the time, with the other 1% recharging to cause more chaos. Then we have Beni, our male cub, who is so relaxed and chilled, he loves nothing more than to play with a stick or clumps of grass!
What's your favourite part of working at Noah's Ark Zoo Farm? 

Emily: I love working at Noah’s Ark because no two days are the same and it is like one big family. My favourite part of the job is the animal training we do for healthcare, as well as getting to spend time with some of the most incredible species on the planet."

Can you share some of your favourite snaps of the bears? 

Here at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, we are proud supporters of Spectacle Bear Conservation, raising awareness for the conservation of the Andean (or spectacled) bears.

Their mission is to conserve and protect spectacled bears and their habitat in northern Peru through scientific research, education and collaboration with local communities and landowners. They integrate community partnerships, habitat protection and research to ensure that spectacled bears and their endangered habitat survive and thrive.

Read more about SBC here

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