Introducing Kito the Giraffe


It has been a tall order to find a mate for Genevieve the Giraffe at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm. Enter Kito the 4 year old bull Giraffe from Dudley Zoo.

Giraffes are social animals and often live in herds. However these herds have a loose social structure and individuals often leave and join other groups. Genevieve’s 4 year old son Geoffrey recently moved from Noah’s Ark to Van Blanckendaell Park in Holland. Kito arrived at Noah’s Ark on Wednesday 16th May to join Genevieve on the zoo’s Africa section which they will share with Ostriches, Grant’s Zebra and Southern White Rhinoceros.

Giraffes are vulnerable to extinction due to large declines in some populations. In the wild Giraffes struggle to compete with the growth of human and livestock numbers who are in direct competition with grazing wildlife for space and vegetation. Genevieve has been an ambassador for Giraffe conservation helping the Noah's Ark team to raise over £1000 last year for Giraffe Conservation Foundation.


Emma, Head Africa Section Keeper at Noah’s Ark said “We are so excited by the arrival of Kito and we hope that he and Genevieve will be a good match. We are looking forward to the prospect of expanding our herd.”

For the latest updates on Kito visitors should come to the daily Giraffe keeper talk at 11.30am in the Giraffe House and see the Giraffes close-up. With World Giraffe Day on 21st June, visitors are invited to spend the longest day of the year at the zoo. Noah’s Ark will be holding a Somerset Safari evening event where visitors can get up close and feed the Giraffe and Giant Tortoises. The evening also includes a private Elephant Talk, pre-dinner drinks and a 2-course meal. Tickets are selling fast so make sure you book yours to avoid missing out.

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