Low Noise Fireworks Update

2nd Oct 2023

Noah's Ark has welcomed news that local school, the Downs, have announced a new low-noise fireworks policy.

Designed to operate at noise levels of approximately 70dB, low-noise fireworks help prevent any stress to animals, wildlife and people. Low-noise fireworks are a progressive and animal-friendly option that help to ensure the safety and well-being of animals.

Noah’s Ark has been advocating for the adoption of low-noise fireworks across North Somerset, since a tragic incident at the Zoo in 2020. Sadly, in November of that year, our young Zebra called Hope was spooked by local fireworks displays. Hope was a healthy 8-month-old foal, and it was believed that the fright caused the animal to bolt and collide with the boundary of the enclosure. This tragic incident demonstrated the impact that fireworks can have on animals and highlighted the need for change.


Larry Bush, our Managing Director explained ‘We were determined that something good should come out of the tragic incident. By sharing the story of Hope, we aim to bring awareness of the detrimental impact that traditional fireworks can have on animals, both domestic and wild, as well as encourage others to adopt alternative arrangements for celebrations, including silent fireworks or more animal-friendly options.”

The introduction of the low-noise fireworks policy at the Downs School was made following a thoughtful process involving classroom discussions, school leaders and the Parents Association. Debbie Isaachsen, Head Teacher at the Downs Schools said “We have spent time with our older pupils discussing the impact of fireworks. Living in our rural location, we believe it is time to make a change and are delighted to be working closely with the staff at Noah’s Ark and involving our pupils in the decision to make this change. We are still looking forward to hosting our annual firework night which promises to have the same wonderful community atmosphere, a stunning visual display and the knowledge that we are playing our part in protecting both wild and domestic animals from potentially distressing noise pollution.”

Larry commented “It’s great to see the Down School taking a leading role in choosing low-noise fireworks. As well as being a step in the right direction for animals, many people will benefit from this change too.”

Lorraine Hopkinson who is leading the campaign for North Somerset to become a low-noise fireworks area has also welcomed the development. Lorraine said, “We are making real progress with firework organisers, who are now starting to see the benefits that low-noise fireworks bring. Not only for animals, wildlife, the elderly and those suffering from dementia, PTSD and other nervous conditions, but the ever-growing number of people who just prefer them!".

Larry concluded “We would love to see other organised displays in North Somerset and across the country move in this direction. It’s a win-win when people can still enjoy the excitement of fireworks but without the downsides to animal welfare that unfortunately come with traditional, noisy fireworks.”

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