Noah's Ark Zoo Farm celebrates launch of Hollywood film Noah

11th Apr 2014

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The story behind Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm's name is taking to the big screens with the launch of a Hollywood blockbuster featuring Noah and his mighty Ark. ‘Noah’ is the latest offering from legendary director Darren Arnofsky – known for surrealist films like Requiem for a Dream and Black Swan. The Biblical story of Noah and the flood is one of the most famous in the world and we’re excited our namesake is making his cinema debut. All all-star cast featuring Russell Crowe as Noah himself, with support including Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson and Anthony Hopkins, brings the Biblical tale to screen in an extraordinary manner.

The $125 million film has had a largely positive reaction among Christian groups, although it has not been without controversy – banned across the Middle East, in Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and North African countries for contradicting the teachings of Islam by depicting a Prophet.

As well as taking our name from the Biblical tale, we have a scale model of the Arkhere in our Exhibition Room which visitors enjoy exploring. We follow Noah’s lead with our family theme here at Noah's Ark. After all, what could be a more fitting example of family values than building a whole Ark to save your loved ones (plus the whole animal kingdom!) from an impending disaster? And while the story of Noah may seem like an impossible legend, scientists have calculated that the Ark could really have floated.

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Postgraduate Physics students in Leicester used Bible passages to work out the dimensions of the boat and found out that it would have been buoyant enough – even with two of every animal on board! We’ve got plenty of our own pairs of animals here at Noah’s Ark, from our wonderful rhinos Rumba and Rumbull to our two lions and lionesses – and our lovely new elephant Buta will soon be joined by partner Nissim!

There’s lots going on at the ark at the moment, with lots of gorgeous little babies to meet – from lemurs to lambs – and special Spring events, including an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 19. Our fun trail will get children in the holiday mood ahead of Easter Sunday by searching for treats around the farm. As well as exploring and meeting Noah’s Ark animals, families can get involved with novelty games and fun Easter crafts. The Saturday after will be another fun family day out in Bristol as we celebrate World Tapir Day with a talk focusing around our very of South American Lowland Tapirs – Toby, Tara and their baby Tallulah thrill fans worldwide on their live online web stream.

Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm is open from Monday – Saturday, 10:30am – 5pm giving plenty of time to visit over the Easter holidays. For more information please visit the Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm website or call 01275 852606.

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