Zoo promotes literacy in young children

28th Jan 2020

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Local author, Victoria Brotherton will be visiting Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm for a book reading of “Snoring’s Boring” to the zoo’s toddler group, Jungle Tots, on Thursday 28 November.

Jungle Tots meets twice a week during term time in the Zoo’s under 5 soft play area. The tots can get involved in some animal-themed craft, meet one of our friendly animals and listen to a story as well as make use of the soft play facilities and the zoo. On the 28th, Victoria is going to join the Noah’s Ark team and read her new book to the avid animal lovers.

Snoring’s Boring is a story that every parent can relate to and depicts the story of a little boy named Henry and his struggles to go to sleep at night. After a magical encounter on a school trip to the zoo, Henry discovers that snoring is not that boring after all!

To launch Snoring’s Boring, Victoria and Noah’s Ark are joining forces for a competition to win a signed copy of the book and two tickets to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm. To enter, go to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm’s Facebook page to answer the Question, ‘What is the little boy’s name in Snoring’s Boring?’ A) Masai, B) Henry or C) Noah.

Victoria Brotherton is a Primary School teacher and a mother to two young boys. Her books are based on her experiences both as a teacher and as a parent and are written to inspire and ignite the imagination. "I am very excited to be reading my new book at Jungle Tots and inspire more young children to enjoy reading and writing" stated Victoria.

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